The daedric princes didn't treat those creatures very well and so they all came together one day and decided to flee from slaveship. They opened a minor portal and one after the other jumped in. Now guess where they were teleported to? - Vvardenfall!!! Having arived there, they soon had to notice that they weren't welcomed at all. The temple send its knights after them and all kind of adventurers trying to claim the bounty, which was placed on their ugly heads.
The minions have seperated on their flight and divided across the whole continent and as they are in very very bad mood now, they terrorize the small town folks and farmers to have some relaxation from being hunted. Somebody has to take care of them soon!!!
Made the first head in Blender today. I may attach it to any given creature armature or even make it a playable race using modified better beast bodies. What do you think?
PS: This is just a side project to my main WIPs "Unique Places" and "New Ald' Ruhn" and I will release it bit for bit or let's say minion for minion!!!

TheDaywalker :rock: