But, in our conversation on Vent, you were very rude and angry about the fact that I was patenting the algorithm used in the code. You say you wanted *all* rights to my code and my algorithm or no deal which I find unacceptable.
You compared yourself to a company where the company and not the employee receives the patent which is fallacious since this is a personal business transaction in the form of a *service*.
I said I would give you an exclusive lifetime license to use the code however you see fit, but I will keep the copyright and patent rights. That is, it is still copyrighted by me, but I agree to not distribute it or give it away in any form -- it is for your use only.
I have trouble understanding your rage concerning the possibility of me "doing something on the side" with the code, since I agreed to let you use it exclusively. The only possibility of something happening "on the side" is if someone were to infringe upon one of the patents in which case they'd owe me royalties or they infringed upon the copyright in which case the same would apply.
But, what *would not* happen *ever* would be me dishonoring the agreement.
It seems you want to own all possible future revenue for someone's hard work for a one time fee -- it doesn't work that way.
Also, if you are as rude in the real world as your were on Vent then it's no matter people have a problem with you on-line.
If any server operators are interested in the auto-balance "patch" ( it works with ranked servers ) then please PM me. I will be selling it for a much reduced rate compared to Geronimo.