An idea to shorten the intro... The convoy is attacked, you are immediately thrown from your horse and lose consciousness. You dream your Background (race, sign, looks, skills, and any history if they allow it). You are awakened by the attackers and given a choice "Come to our campsite and rest before venturing onward or venture forth now." If you choose to go with them to rest, they teach you to loot (movements and grabbing/activating, getting armor and weapons), you hunt on your way to camp ( they teach you bow hunting and a bear attacks en route to camp[). Once there, the hedge wizard teaches you a healing spell, a destruction spell, and alchemy (even giving you an old mortar&pestle). You rest and leave. If you chose to venture forth immediately, then you can loot and leave. As for the MQ starter. It's already in your inventory, regardless as your captors didn't search you well, and you can choose to deliver it when you want.