More Advice....Please?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:15 pm

I have it all planned out, I want to make a new character. A traditional noble warrior, a knight, whatever you want to call it. I won't start the MQ until later levels
(since I like to think of the MQ as a movie, an epic movie, and what good is a movie if no main characters die? I want to be high level so that, and it is sad, I can have Baurus, and Jaufree die. How many good movies have main character die near the end? A LOT. :)
I will live in Battlehorn Castle, and go on regular dungeon crawls to gain valuable loot. If it's not useful, I sell it for gold, to use for potions, etc. I want to RP as well, so any RP ideas are welcome too. :)

So, basically, I'm asking for advice on a warrior build, suggestions on the Race, Skills, Birthsign, etc. Again, all help is appreciated. :)


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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:15 pm

Well for a Warrior i build a redguard because they are good with heavy armor and blades

attributes: strength and endurance

for skills i usually go heavy armor, blade, block, athletics, and the rest i decide with how i plan on playing my warrior but it is usually acrobatics, destruction, and restoration/ illusions

and birth sign the warrior or the tower it depends if you want to be a flat out warrior or kind of a warrior thief
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:05 am

Most times I will either play a warrior one of two ways.
An Imperial RP paladin build or a Redguard ranger build.

The Imperial is great for role play. I would use heaps of alteration (shield at 85% makes life much easier) and custom turn undead spells. My fav is Undead lantern (turn undead and fire damage). There is nothing more fun then seeing a skelly or zombie run away while on fire. The paladin should hunt in all the undead lairs and clear them out.
The MQ and KOTN would suit him.

The Redguard is a awesome build for a warrior too. I love the once a day Adrenaline Rush. It kicks major butt in the boss battles.
Role play the character as a Imperial forester. Or even as bandit or highwayman.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:32 am

I prefer a Nord warrior but Redguards are very usefull as well

whenever i use a warrior they always have Illusion as a major skill and of course born under the warrior sign
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:28 pm

Orcs are another good race, and have very appropriate lore. The automatic 25% magic resistance is nice too.

If you plan to use a little magic, the Atronach can be a good sign. The Ritual is good for a holy paladin type, or the Warrior for a solid tank.

An Orc would be a good choice for someone who just wants to keep to himself in his castle. Maybe he's a retired soldier or something, even a war hero, but now he wants to be left alone. On a regular basis he heads out to the nearby caves and ruins to chase away the encroaching troublemakers.

Doing the Fighters Guild, maybe even KotN, could pull him out of his shell enough to return to Chorrol one day and see what Jauffre wanted of him.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:33 am

I play Breton Warriors. I've done so consistently for the last eight years and couldn't imagine playing any other race for a Warrior.

By the time you're level 15 or so race won't matter much as far as skill levels go. But a Warrior's Acilles heel is vulnerability to magic attacks. And that Breton 50% magic resistance, I've found, is worth its weight in Septims.
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Craig Martin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:44 am

We now have every warrior class covered...... :ninja:

As you can see, there is many different ways you can play Oblivion. That is what makes the game so good.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:40 am

If you plan to use a little magic, the Atronach can be a good sign.

In fact, unless you plan on using lots of magic, it's the best sign for a warrior by a comfortable margin.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:47 pm

If your going for MQ epic hero jobbie then you should have the following.
Race: Imperial (good warriors,knights)
Birthsign: The Warrior (10 plus to strength and Endurence, essential for any knight)
Class: Custom class ( Blade,Block,Heavy Armour,Armourer,Athletics,Illusion (possibley),Acrobatics.

I have this build and he is awesome for the MQ and is now a powerfull lvl 28. :D
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 am

Nord, Redguard or Imperial

Specialization: Combat

Majors: Acrobatics, Blade or Blunt, Block, Heavy Armor, Marksman, Mercantile, Restoration

Birthsign: Atronach, Thief, Mage or Warrior

Favored Atts: End, Luck

Atronach is the strongest birthsign, especially for a guy who isn't much into casting anyway, but it's also the most 'work'. Thief gives you nice boosts to Speed and Agility and Luck. Mage gives a really useful 50 point boost to magicka if you want to pick up some minor magic skills. Warrior isn't all that useful a sign for a guy who's already heavy on Str and End.

Minor skills: work on Alchemy and especially Armorer so you can repair magic items. Train Armorer each level until it hits 50 - this will also ensure good Endurance raises. Agility is a very important stat for a melee guy, and one you won't get good raises in unless you work at it. Locks can be picked by simply hitting auto attempt repeatedly if you're not talented at the mini game.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:37 pm

I play Breton Warriors. I've done so consistently for the last eight years and couldn't imagine playing any other race for a Warrior.

By the time you're level 15 or so race won't matter much as far as skill levels go. But a Warrior's Acilles heel is vulnerability to magic attacks. And that Breton 50% magic resistance, I've found, is worth its weight in Septims.

I agree that it is extremely helpful for a warrior at mid to higher levels to have solid magic defense. I also agree that important attributes can be raised quickly enough easily counter the Breton's wimpy warrior attributes.

A Breton can become immune to magic with as few as one item, making it easy to see the preference here (that I share).

Other options however, include any other race with the Atronach birthsign. With only a few items, an atronach can become immune to magic as well. When looking at this route for a warrior, I favor a Redguard/Atronach who actively seeks items to boost that wonderful will-o-the-wisp hugging spell absorption to 100%.
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:13 am

I started but failed a Dunmer noble character recently, ( due to getting one shotted often, and bad luck with saves / mod spawns ).
But the roleplay aspect was what I felt a noble would be so going to give it another shot on a lower difficulty sometime.

So this is the build I chose,

Steed birthsign.

light armour.

I based the build on a Beneziah / Morrowind noble, its not a palladin build but the first three are what I consider "noble" skills.
That would suit any race.
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:24 am

i will throw in another possiblity for sign, just cuz it isn't mentioned - Lord can be very good, esp for someone not inclined to use magic/Restoration. It allows one to focus on RP and maximum effort devoted to ending the Oblivion crisis, without straying to seek training, potions, spells, etc and just flast out go start kicking butt. Some of the races will need to use alchemy as a minor to get about 25 pts of intel raises early on (easily done by just grabbing ingredients on the go, but once they do you are unbeatable by anything, anywhere, anytime.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:25 am

In fact, unless you plan on using lots of magic, it's the best sign for a warrior by a comfortable margin.

I completely agree with this. Even if you don't use magic, this will offer you some real protection against your more magical enemies.

All the possible setups have been covered, let me just encourage you to enrich your roleplay experience by reading about the races on UESPWiki. One thing that may make the experience more enjoyable would be incorporating some lore into your build (or it may not if you're not into lore - many people aren't). Also, try to build some restrictions in.

Example: Redguard Blademaster

A redguard arrives in Cyrodill by boat (oh yes, I am sooooo tired of the "I'm in prison for you-don't-know-what, let me just slip away with the Empire's most valuable magical relic" start) with a bit of money (a couple of hundred gold). You can use a mod or just take him to the harbor after you get out of the dungeon. He uses only single handed weapons, and does not use magic in any form, unless it's pre-made - potions, in-game enchanted items. etc. He never uses conjuration, illusion, or *. After a certain level, say level 20 or so, he can start to study something like restoration, maybe, but you could limit how high he gets.

His primary skill is blade, he becomes an expert at that. He secondary skill - logically - would be block, and he'd take care to excell at that at well. He doesn't like spellcasters and will never complete the mages guild questline or every use magic altars.

Okay, so just a suggestion.

~ Dani ~
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:26 am

He doesn't like spellcasters and will never complete the mages guild questline or every use magic altars.

To perhaps build upon that; make him an Atronach, completely deplete his magicka pool, and never refill it.
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:56 am

To perhaps build upon that; make him an Atronach, completely deplete his magicka pool, and never refill it.

Oh ... you are cruel!!

I wonder how that would work out ...

~ Dani ~ :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:51 am

Thanks for all the help guys! :)


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