» Sat May 28, 2011 7:30 am
My current character, an Imperial Agent, will dress in chainmail greaves, shoes and gauntlets with various tops most of the time. Only when necessary will she switch to her Shroud Armour - which is getting more and more, after the whole-sale slaughter of Bruma's guards, with more than a few civilians winding up with arrows to the face (It was self-defense, mostly!).
I briefly tried to play as a vigilante-type character, who would wear the green and blue burgundy outfit and some leather boots, then duck behind buildings and switch into whatever armour I happened to have (Leather at the time, I think) - a red traveler's cloak, and a cowl. I found role-playing as him a bit troublesome, though - as people would come up to me and activate quests whilst I was in my normal clothing, but then I'd go do them in my get-up and they'd still know who I was.