It doesn't remove the fact that my level 13 mage just got his chest ripped open by a Daedroth halfway up an oblivion tower.
After 13 hours of toil, his booksmarts didn't translate to the battlefield. He was weak and poor, all his money tied up in a house in chorrol, used now only by the Adoring Fan.
As an Arch Mage he will be remembered, as a great man, meek and shy, whose magic staff failed him at a crucial moment.
I have documented his last moments here:
.....Bloodied, but alive, Merlin stepped over the dead corpse of the Dremora, pausing only to pluck a ring from the humanoid's finger.
Muttering an incantation, he caused the heavy door to slide open. The heat of the Great Spire washed over him, the endless churning spire of heat and fire swirling before him.
A sudden disturbance to his left! A clanfear leapt over a narrow bridge and slammed into him. Merlin recoiled, stabbing out with his staff, unleashing a burst of magicka. The clanfear screamed and keeled over -- Merlin regretted that he had not trapped the daedra's soul.
And then suddenly before him materialised a Daedroth, a pet of some hidden Dremora magician. Merlin whipped his staff around --- but no magic came. He backpeddled, but it was too late.
He looked down at his chest in suprise, wondering how all that blood got there. His blood.
He uttered a final gasp and Merlin the Great collapsed motionless, and as he died, so did hope for all of Tamriel.....
Anyway, moving on; I'm now looking at making a great big tank character -- How does a custom Nord "Knight of the Nine" sound?