Well normallly I dont like RPG, In fact I generaly hate them, Im much more of a 'Pure FPS' or Tactical style game.
but I game this a fair go, and found I loved it, to me its not just a RPG or FPS and that to me is what got me, plus the fact that im on a PC, which allows me to change the game in almost any way I like.
At the moment im a Raider, (next time I maybe a Slaver [theres evena a MOD that alows me to have a player home at Paradice Falls or alternataly I could be a Enclave Trooper/Black Ops/Commander), getting back-up from Raiders and being able to hang about them/ or as im still low level (playing on very hard, with other mods that make it harder), run to them for help and cover, I could also be a slaver etc or most other faction
So, I guess what im saying is, If you dont like the main story line, like me (can't stand it, for me its soooooooo dull!), I get it over with and then I can play as I want.
I think you get my point, take the game and change what you don't like, Like I said, I dont like the main quest but its very short
and easy to get it over with, then (for me the fun starts)

PS Having said all that I hope your on a PC, if not sorry for the wind-up!
In short give it a bit longer, forget the main quest if you like, and do some of the side quests as there, in general, alot more interesting.
I know a lot of you will disagree with me, but for me, this is what's stopped me playing Farcry2 and untill recently Left for Dead.
It can be a great game if you can give it a chance!!