There are several types of undead, of which they are the two most common types: the 'zombie' and the 'ghost'. It is commonly accepted that the zombie is a body with no soul, and the ghost is a soul with no body. Let us now study a very, very special example of undead. One that doesn't fit any of these categories.
The Lich.
We don't know much about these, except that they use magicka to lengthen their lives, that, to become a lich, they must temporarily transfer their soul to a soul container, and that, from Daggerfall to Oblivion, these odd magicians have become surprisingly weaker. Now, with as only sources the information we have, a bit of biological knowledge and logics, I will try to deepen the knowledge we have.
Obviously, their brain and nerve system are still intact, as else they couldn't think and move, right? But, me thinks, most of their other organs should be decomposed- they breathe very difficultly, and their body decomposes as well, which is a signal of organs sustaining the body not working- this would include lungs and heart.
But, if they don't have those, where do they get the energy to actually do things? Well, we already know they use magicka to lengthen their lives. So what is my conclusion? Magicka. They get their energy almost straight from Aetherius. I think that, to become a Lich, one must transfer their soul to said object, after which they die. Because of how close the object is to the corpse, the soul will flow back into the body, reactivating only the brain. Either the person in question will endlessly suffer in a corpse, or they will find their way into magicka and get up again, reborn as a Lich. Due to the lack of needed substances supplied by blood, their body will decompose.
I know it probably doesn't make any sense at all, but I wanted to know what you think of it.