Hmmmm, well NPCs are limited to certain weapons anyway, because their sprites don't support certain weapon animations, Sulik can use a Gauss pistol for instance, because it uses the same sprite as an SMG, which his sprite supports, but he can't use a Gauss rifle because it isn't supported in his sprite animation.
As for Marcus, he can use Miniguns, and anything that uses the Plasma Rifle animation, so Flamer, Bozar, M60, Light Support Weapon, personally I think the safest, deadliest weapon to give Marcus would be the YK42B Pulse Rifle, I assume this uses the same sprite as the Plasma Rifle, but I'm not sure how good Marcus is with energy weapons. If you don't mind risking burst, you can give him the Vindicator, my personal favourite minigun

Although if you want a safer burst weapon, give him the Bozar, my guess is he would be quite surgical with that