i wonder if daedric quests will return?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:53 am

i cant help but wonder if daedric shrines and quests will return in skyrim... if they are, then... how will they work?

incase anyone has forgotten, jyggalag is free... sheogorath no longer exists, apparently.

if there was a sheogorath shrine in skyrim, i wonder how it'll work, if it works at all?

also, will there be a jyggalag shrine built at some point?

i dont think jyggalag even has any artifacts of his own... so i doubt his quest would be very rewarding, even if a shrine to him was included.

uggh, i cant wait until our questions start to get answered, cause there are so many things rushing through my mind right now... :confused:
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claire ley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:27 am

Well you can have doubts about the Sheogorath shrine, but any others should certainly be there. They won't take out Daedric Shrines.
Hopefully they're even cooler, with better quests and more quirky rewards, unlike the overpowered Skeleton Key. Perhaps you can join one of the cults that follow them.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:00 am

The only one I'd have doubts about would be Sheogorath's. Mehrunes Dagon might have a quest, again.
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Umpyre Records
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:39 am

I don't think jyggalag really counts as a true daedra prince, I never heard of him until the shivering isles and there have never been any shrines or anything.

The daedric shrines will almost definately return considering they have been in every other TES game and you can't get half the artefacts without them. I just want more than a stone statue, when I first played oblivion and was making my way to hircines shrine I didn't know what to expect, needless I was greatly dissapointed by just a statue and a few people standing around
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:33 am

They will probably be in the game, no reason for them too take them out.

I think that Sheogorath will still be in the game, bringing the same crazy quests as he used too.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:52 am

They will probably be in the game, no reason for them too take them out.

I think that Sheogorath will still be in the game, bringing the same crazy quests as he used too.

Hope so but with some better rewards
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:04 pm

It would seem unlikely that Daedric shrine quests would not appear in Skyrim, I certainly see no reason why they wouldn't. I'm not sure if the events of Shivering Isles would present much of a problem since isn't the player character supposed to have mantled Sheogorath? They could just say that after fully becoming Sheogorath, the Champion of Cyrodiil fully assumed his usual form and personality, thus rendering the fact that Sheogorath's replacement could be any character the player chooses irrelevant. And even if it would prevent a Sheogorath quest fom being in the game, there's still 15 other Princes to choose from, and it certainly wouldn't be the first time an Elder Scrolls game has not had all 16 Daedric Princes. In Morrowind, only the ones who play an important role in Dunmer culture had shrines in the game.

The daedric shrines will almost definately return considering they have been in every other TES game and you can't get half the artefacts without them. I just want more than a stone statue, when I first played oblivion and was making my way to hircines shrine I didn't know what to expect, needless I was greatly dissapointed by just a statue and a few people standing around

I kind of like how in Morrowind, the Daedric shrines were actually ruins of varying sizes you could explore, and had hostile cultists and Daedra in them, thus acting as dungeons, of course, there were still statues in the shrines, and you got quests by activating the statues. Also, most Daedric Prince had more than one shrine, though you could only get quests from one shrine for each Daedric Prince, but of course, other shrines often had quests involved with them as well. It always struck me as a little odd that there's only one shrine for each Daedra in all of Cyrodiil, except Sheogorath, since there's also a shrine for him in that cave in the skamp quest, forgot what the cave is called.

Hope so but with some better rewards

I think you'd be hard pressed to find better rewards for a quest than unique and often quite powerful artifacts.
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:58 am

im pretty sure jyggalag is a true daedric prince... he existed before sheogorath.

from what we learn, he apparently grew too powerful and the other princes cursed him to live in the form he hated most, madness.

this was obviously LONG ago, so jyggalag likely wasnt even acknowledged, or atleast forgotten, and any shrines he may have had were taken down... just an excuse for his absence in past games, i suppose.

also, sheogorath is gone, like i said... how can he possibly return in skyrim?

jyggalag WAS sheogorath... all we have is sheogorath's champion taking up his mantle, so the shivering isles could continue to exist.

as long as jyggalag exists, sheogorath cannot, im pretty sure, since they're two halves of the same coin.

jyggalag would need to be cursed by the other princes... AGAIN... in order for sheogorath to come back most likely... which would just be one huge kick to the balls after everything that happened in the shivering isles storyline.

i mean, dont get me wrong... i would absolutely LOVE if sheogorath was somehow brought back, but i dont think it'll happen... sheogorath was my favorite out of all the daedra, too...

anyway, back to skyrim...

i'd like to see the calendar come into play with summoning the princes, again... in arena, or was it daggerfall? i never had the chance to play the old games... couldnt you only summon the princes on certain days?

it'd atleast bring in something special about the rituals, not just delivering a handful of items and being a certain level, like in oblivion.

oh, that reminds me... i wonder if bethesda will EVER implement special events, holidays, etc... in skyrim, or future games? they were in the old games, werent they?

eh, i seem to continue slipping into discussions about past games... maybe someone else could suggest some ideas on how to handle daedric shrines, the ritualistic summonings, and daedric quests in skyrim?
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:02 am

jyggalag WAS sheogorath... all we have is sheogorath's champion taking up his mantle, so the shivering isles could continue to exist.

as long as jyggalag exists, sheogorath cannot, im pretty sure, since they're two halves of the same coin.

jyggalag would need to be cursed by the other princes... AGAIN... in order for sheogorath to come back most likely... which would just be one huge kick to the balls after everything that happened in the shivering isles storyline.

i mean, dont get me wrong... i would absolutely LOVE if sheogorath was somehow brought back, but i dont think it'll happen... sheogorath was my favorite out of all the daedra, too...

Perhaps the title of Sheogorath will be passed down to mortals who while they are in the role have his powers and god-ness. Kinda like the captain of the Dutchman in Pirates of the Carribean.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:45 pm

I'd read Lady Nerevar's idea of what and who Sheogorath is. http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1096021-arden-sul
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:57 pm

I don't think jyggalag really counts as a true daedra prince, I never heard of him until the shivering isles and there have never been any shrines or anything.

The daedric shrines will almost definately return considering they have been in every other TES game and you can't get half the artefacts without them. I just want more than a stone statue, when I first played oblivion and was making my way to hircines shrine I didn't know what to expect, needless I was greatly dissapointed by just a statue and a few people standing around

Uhm: Jyggalag and Sheogorath are the same person. Jyggalag was one of the most powerful Deadric princes.
He was so powerful that even the other princes feared him, so they conspired to put a curse upon him; driving him mad.

At the end of the Shivering Ilse main quest a mortal (you) becomes Sheogorath, breaking the curse.
So now you have both Jyggalag back to his old self and Sheogorath as a separate identity. :P
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:45 am

I mean in the sense he's never really worshipped or heard of in tamriel
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:39 am

Dont see how they would.....they have been in every game (though in Arena you just quested for the artifacts rather then getting the quest from a prince).
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Amy Smith
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:48 am

I love deadra shrines and hope they return. The more elaborate the better in my book. It's the combination of whackyness (you could never know what exactly you would find), treasures, weird architecture and mortal danger that was very appealing to me in morrowind.

im pretty sure jyggalag is a true daedric prince... he existed before sheogorath.

from what we learn, he apparently grew too powerful and the other princes cursed him to live in the form he hated most, madness.

this was obviously LONG ago, so jyggalag likely wasnt even acknowledged, or atleast forgotten, and any shrines he may have had were taken down... just an excuse for his absence in past games, i suppose.

also, sheogorath is gone, like i said... how can he possibly return in skyrim?

jyggalag WAS sheogorath... all we have is sheogorath's champion taking up his mantle, so the shivering isles could continue to exist.

as long as jyggalag exists, sheogorath cannot, im pretty sure, since they're two halves of the same coin.

jyggalag would need to be cursed by the other princes... AGAIN... in order for sheogorath to come back most likely... which would just be one huge kick to the balls after everything that happened in the shivering isles storyline.

i mean, dont get me wrong... i would absolutely LOVE if sheogorath was somehow brought back, but i dont think it'll happen... sheogorath was my favorite out of all the daedra, too...

anyway, back to skyrim...

i'd like to see the calendar come into play with summoning the princes, again... in arena, or was it daggerfall? i never had the chance to play the old games... couldnt you only summon the princes on certain days?

it'd atleast bring in something special about the rituals, not just delivering a handful of items and being a certain level, like in oblivion.

oh, that reminds me... i wonder if bethesda will EVER implement special events, holidays, etc... in skyrim, or future games? they were in the old games, werent they?

eh, i seem to continue slipping into discussions about past games... maybe someone else could suggest some ideas on how to handle daedric shrines, the ritualistic summonings, and daedric quests in skyrim?

For all we know, Jyggalag could have been a practical joke of sheogorath to wreck some havoc on his own world. Maybe his dementia-side thought it was good fun.
Or maybe he just suffers from split personality and will become his own sheogorath-self soon.
And it's also quite possible he told us a bunch of lies.
We're talking sheogorath here, prince of madness. You can't assume he told us the truth, or even something coherent.
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Grace Francis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:39 am

I was never a fan of the deadric quests. It's too boring and predictable to say "ok so i go to this giant thrine, do a trivial quest and get some reward that will just feel empty". The reward doesn't feel special because you it's so easy to get... I'd like fewer deadric shrines and MUCH harder quests with epic rewards
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:02 am

Jyggalag is a Daedric prince, he ahs been mentioned before SI in books such as "On Oblivion"

The Daedra princes whose names appear over and over in ancient records (though this is not an infallible test of their authenticity or explicit existence, to be sure) are the afore-mentioned Sanguine, Boethiah, Molag Bal, and Sheogorath, and in addition, Azura, Mephala, Clavicus Vile, Vaernima, Malacath, Hoermius (or Hermaeus or Hormaius or Herma -- there seems to be no one accepted spelling) Mora, Namira, Jyggalag, Nocturnal, Mehrunes Dagon, and Peryite.

Jyggalag was made schizophrenia by the other Daedric gods out of fear and jealousy and was forced to destroy and recreate his own realm over and over again until the Champion of the Shivering Isles came and stopped the Greymarch, this released Jyggalag from his curse and made Jyggalag whole again. My real question is what happened to the Champion of the Shivering Isles, he was made Sheogorath or was he really just meant to be in control of Shivering Isles until Jyggalag had enough strength to retake the isles from the Champion?
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emma sweeney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:26 pm

I don't think jyggalag really counts as a true daedra prince, I never heard of him until the shivering isles and there have never been any shrines or anything.

The daedric shrines will almost definately return considering they have been in every other TES game and you can't get half the artefacts without them. I just want more than a stone statue, when I first played oblivion and was making my way to hircines shrine I didn't know what to expect, needless I was greatly dissapointed by just a statue and a few people standing around

Jyggalag has been mentioned in books and lore, he was never shown because he was turned into sheogorath by the other princes long before the series started. Now he is, once again a real live daedric prince, so it would be interesting to see more about him. As for Sheogorath, it could be odd. According to the shivering isles, the hero of Oblivion became the new sheogorath, which could be interesting and/or complicated to play out into the next game.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:39 am

I'd read Lady Nerevar's idea of what and who Sheogorath is. http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1096021-arden-sul

That was a very interesting read. I am of the personal belief that the CoC will end up becoming and taking the form/personality of Sheogorath, but I never connected it to all that stuff with Arden-Sul. That just confirms it even more for me. So, I don't see why all of them would not be in the game. I'm really hoping to see Jyggalag expanded upon in ESV.
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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:30 am

Of course they will be in, the question is how. The first question is what will the atmosphere of the shrines be like? Neither OB or MW got it exactly right. In MW, everyone there was hostile to you, you go to a daedric shrine, and BAM, daedra, cultists, all kinds of whack-jobs come at you. It was kind of cool, especially if you were an anti-daedra person just in it for the loot. But, if your character was a real daedrist, it must have svcked to kill people who should really be your friends.

In OB, the shrines were a little too friendly, they didn't give you that sense of foreboding. But, it was easier to be a daedra worshipper, as you didn't have to kill everyone who was essentially just the people you go to church with.

Secondly, the appearance of the shrines. In MW, they had wicked daedric ruins, which were really dungeons with a shrine inside. The architecture was unique. In OB, it was just an outdoor stature, and of course looked like every other statue statue in Cyrodiil. Now, that's not a bad thing. That makes me feel like maybe it was a real Cyrodiilian daedrist, who, after his day job carving a statue of Tiber Septim, sneaks off into the country and builds a shrine to his "real" god. However, we lost some of that unique "daedric" look. Maybe if they had used a different type of stone or something? But then it wouldn't look as native to Cyrodiil.

So anyway. I feel like for Skyrim, most of the shrines would be either outdoors, or in caves. I think the statues should be carved out of wood, and reflect a style reminiscent of the dragon-prows of longships. http://www.corbisimages.com/images/67/ACA0075B-7644-401A-A4EA-9A089EB1A803/WF003924.jpg

They could also use ice (maybe technically stahlrim?
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:47 pm

I hope daedric quests will return, also I think it would be cool possibility to end quest by defying daedric prince will, don't like very much that to get cool items I have to always do exactly what they want from me, anyway some creativity with this quests would be cool.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:01 pm

well the character became the madgod so it would probably be to him, or they could do what they did in Oblivion, whenever the player becomes the madgod and then prays at shegoraths shrine haskill answers and has jygglag, or how ever you spell it, been in any other game?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:58 pm

i cant help but wonder if daedric shrines and quests will return in skyrim... if they are, then... how will they work?

incase anyone has forgotten, jyggalag is free... sheogorath no longer exists, apparently.

if there was a sheogorath shrine in skyrim, i wonder how it'll work, if it works at all?

also, will there be a jyggalag shrine built at some point?

i dont think jyggalag even has any artifacts of his own... so i doubt his quest would be very rewarding, even if a shrine to him was included.

uggh, i cant wait until our questions start to get answered, cause there are so many things rushing through my mind right now... :confused:

Well, Jygallag was killed in Shivering Isles (Sheogorath too, because he is Jyggalag). So I doubt there will be a shrine. But it would be a terrible idea to take the daedric quests off. They are the best quests :D
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:09 am

I kind of like how in Morrowind, the Daedric shrines were actually ruins of varying sizes you could explore, and had hostile cultists and Daedra in them, thus acting as dungeons, of course, there were still statues in the shrines, and you got quests by activating the statues. Also, most Daedric Prince had more than one shrine, though you could only get quests from one shrine for each Daedric Prince, but of course, other shrines often had quests involved with them as well. It always struck me as a little odd that there's only one shrine for each Daedra in all of Cyrodiil, except Sheogorath, since there's also a shrine for him in that cave in the skamp quest, forgot what the cave is called.

What the man said.
Id like to see dadric quests more like morrowind than oblivion.
Exploring the dangerous uknown ruins and accidentaly bumping into a statue of some daedra that can give a quest was way more entertaining than just fast traveling to the place where daedric shrines were.
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:01 pm

I would think that the presence of Daedric shrines in Skyrim (the province itself) would depend upon how the Nords there feel about the Daedra themselves. Every culture has it's own mythology, its own pantheon of gods. If the Nords don't care much for the Princes, they'll tear those shrines down and use the stones to sharpen their axes.

TES III: Morrowind would seem to indicate Nords do worship Daedra, as just about every shrine there has at least one of them standing around ready to try to kill you.

Perhaps the real question: Just how MUCH of a presence will the Daedra have, and how big of a role do they play in the overall scheme in TES V: Skyrim?
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Rodney C
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:24 am

Jyggalag was stopped. The player became Sheogorath. I dunno why people keep saying Jyggalag replaced him. Sheogorath was reborn as the player, who likely eventually completely became Sheo.
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