I have a relatively new game in which I was spending some time in Bruma. It had been performing well aside from a few weird freezes when releasing an arrow from my bow shortly before my current problem. I walked out the east door of Bruma to practice some speechcraft on the guards I hadn't earned the ire of yet, and when I was done I could no longer successfully load the city's cell. I open the door, it begins to load, but when the load bar gets maybe 1/5 of the way there the screen goes black. It plays the music from inside the city, but I can't jump or move, bring up the developer console or otherwise interact with the game whatsoever. It's never a crash to desktop, just a livelock that forces me shut it down with the task manager. I tried entering the city at different times of day and four days after I exited the gates with the same result.
Has anyone encountered this issue before? I'll figure out how to get a printout of my system information to post if it's needed, I just haven't had to do that before so I don't know how off the top of my head. I am running a decent number of mods, but nothing I haven't used in the past.
Thanks for your feedback,