I do wish people on game forums would go with the old writers axium that you should never assume your readers know what an abrevation or obscure term means.
AC I know as Armor Class. DR I know has short for Doctor. DT I can only guess is what happens to acholics when they stop drinking.
It almost sounds like you two are saying AC takes into account chance to dodge?
It also sounds like you are saying maybe the metal is better maybe its not.
Ausir as far as I know has been a very long time veteran on these matters, even assisting in many of the Fallout based wikis, and even some Fallout Bible entries. It makes sense that he would use terms like this naturally, he meant no elitism by it I'm sure

AC is Armour Class, the term isn't very accurate for what it represents, but yes it comes down to your ability to dodge, hence why your agility affects your base AC (in your case it's 9).
DR is damage resistance. This is a universal DR in Fallout 3, but in previous games it's sub-categorised into different damage types (normal, fire, explosion etc).
DT is damage threshold, this value is applied
before DR takes place, for example:
Metal Armour in FO1:
Normal.......4 / 30%
Laser..........6 / 75%
Fire.............4 / 10%
Plasma........4 / 20%
Explode.......4 / 25%The first entry is the damage category, self-explanatory.
The second entry is the first value that determines damage absorbtion, this first value is the base amount of damage that will be absorbed from every attack. This is DT.
The last entry is the final value that determines absorbtion. This is applied after the first deduction. This is DR.
So if you were hit by a Laser Rifle that deals 30 damage, you would take the values from the Laser category, the first DT value (6) would reduce the damage to 24, then the second DR value (75%) will be subtracted from 24, three quarters of 24 is 18, subtract that to leave 6, which is the final amount of damage you would sustain.
Metal armour offers very good protection against certain damage whilst also being a cheaper, lower tier armour. Its disadvantage is that statistically you'll be taking more hits whilst wearing it than most other armours. And that it's not so good versus fire compared to its other strengths.
Edit: I can't do maths

Hang on.
Update: Ok maths is fixed