» Sat May 28, 2011 4:43 am
While Win7 is much more friendly when it comes to Program Files than Vista, you still should install Oblivion (and any other games) somewhere else.
You're running 64bit, and I think that means there are some changes you have to be aware of when it comes to Oblivion. I think. >.> I remember reading something about 64bit vs 32bit regarding Oblivion.
I move the downloads from my download folder to "Oblivion\Mods\" extract the mod there, then check the readme/make and omod/install. Try that, rather than just extracting directly in the data folder.
Also, make sure you extracted in the right place - some mods have "Data\ blahblah" folder in them, while others are directly Textures, Meshes, etc. And some have the mod name, and a gazillion options ^^