Female PC and John Barrowman? I think you missed a memo somewhere.
I didn't miss the memo, but it would be nice to have a fantasy come true. Doesn't everyone have an impossible crush on someone ? In my Oblivion, it would be nice to throw the memo in the virtual trash can.
I have plenty of pictures, but I didn't want to post them up and make my message quite long to read. If anyone wants the pictures, just let me know via private message so we don't torture anyone with a bunch of photos.
BTW, very sorry about the cross posting. I've been playing Oblivion for ages, but this was my first time posting in these forums. Don't worry, I'm blushing and promise to be more careful in the future. Thanks for being helpful. I'd like to close this topic at this point in time. I think that I found somewhere else for the request.