This is great, thanks a lot jormungandr, but the quality is a little too good to be perfectly nostalgic. How were the mp3s made out of curiosity? And does anyone know where I can find the midis?
Oh thanks The.Z.Man for resurrecting this thread. Downloading now. But isn't Arena's soundtrack the same as Daggerfall? Deep in my memory, only the weaponsmith's song is not in Daggerfall.
EDIT : Nevermind. Just noticed there were also the musics when you first enter a town.
Jormungandr was kind enough to upload both Arena and Daggerfall music to his filefront, and having downloaded both, there are some similarities (and some of the same songs?) in Daggerfall. Thanks again Jormungandr.
Both Arena tavern songs return in Daggerfall. I think the snow tune does as well (not the universally loved "Snowing" tune, but the other one, I believe named "Over Snow" in Daggerfall).