I've thought of starting a game where I disable of don't use the compass or map but rely solely on landmarks, signposts, roads and such. How feasible is it? Anyone done it? How much will you miss?
To play completely without a map or compass would be very difficult, I think. At least unless you really, really know the land from your previous play. But how will you ever find the cave you're looking for if you don't have a map to show you that it is northeast of a certain landmark?
Playing without the compass should be possible, as the combination of map, visible landmarks and sun position should help you find the direction. I have considered trying that myself, but not gone that far. For the time being I use the options I have added with Map Marker Overhaul, which is the perfect balance for me:
I have hidden the player marker from both the local and world map, and made the world map not center on the player, so I know need help from the landmarks to find out where I am.
I have also hidden the quest marker from the compass (using DarnUI, but there are other options for this), and hidden the quest marker from the local map, but kept it in the world map.
That way I can look at the world map to find out where I'm supposed to go, but not where I am now - which is just how a real-world map works. But I cannot use the local map to find exactly where the quest target is, which also is immersive (though sometimes frustrating).