It is my pleasure to announce... The Bathing Mod v2!
It can be found here, along with some nice screenshots:
Extensively upgraded, and with all known issues addressed, this mod aims to be the ultimate in morrowind bathing technology.
This mod had been fully spellchecked, and has been fully rebalanced.
Also included is a new bathtub model by Korana, and new custom icons, made by me.
This plugin is a complete package, and neither requires, nor is compatible, with the original, or the patch for it.
This mod has been designed to be compatible with both "Necessities of Morrowind" and "Galsiah's Character Development",
but does not require either of them.
NEW: New and improved compatibility plugins for Korana's "Ascadian Rose Cottage" and "Provincial Bath Shoppe" mods.
The Ascadian Rose Cottage patch has been cleaned and updated, and has been adjusted to conform to the new standards for Stinkers v2.
Likewise for Provincial Bath Shoppe,
which also now adds it's white "Better Bodies" bathrobes to all soapsellers.
(Be sure to use Better Bodies with these, or there will be severe clipping issues.)
If you want other bathrobe colors, just go on down to the "shoppe".
Note: The Ascadian Rose Cottage patch is to be used with BOTH the Ascadian Rose Cottage mod, and Stinkers v2.
However, the new Provincial Bath Shoppe plugin is meant as a replacement for the original Provincial Bath Shoppe plugin, and the new one is NOT compatible with the old one.
The new Provincial Bath Shoppe plugin REQUIRES both the old plugins files,
(EXCEPT for Provincial_Bath _Shoppe_v1.esp)
and Stinkers v2.
Also available is a modder's resource plugin, which will allow other modders to easily add objects from this mod to theirs, for intercompatibility.
You can use this to add features of this mod to yours, and then if your mod is used alongside mine, those features will be useable to meet this mod's requirements. Even better, your mod will still be able to be used without mine, for those who want to use your mod, but don't want this one.
The original mod:
The original mod's patch:
Optional Links:
Balmora Expansion:
Better Bodies:
Galsiah's Character Development:
Necessities of Morrowind:
For more information and download links for Korana's mods, look here:
Change Log:
NEW IN v2.0:
Entire mod extensively re-balanced.
Spelling and grammar completely edited.
All added NPCs now have unique names, no mysterious people named "Bather".
New soapsellers, and the "Stinkers Patch" is incorporated.
The Healing Bath of Mournhold now matches the rest of the city.
The "Bathing Soap" and the "Resolve" scented soap now have unique textures.
All soaps now have unique icons.
The scented soaps, and special baths have all had their effects rebalanced.
For example, here is the new stats for the scented soaps:
- Tigers Tail (fortify agility 5pts, jump 5pts, sanctuary 10pts)
- Star Ice (fortify willpower 5pts, fortify magicka 30pts, telekinesis 30pts)
- Moonflower (reflect 10pts, detect enchantment 30pts, detect key 30pts)
- Sea Breeze (swift swim 10pts, fortify fatigue 15pts, feather 10pts)
- Divine (Light 10pts, fortify personality 5pts, resist normal weapons 5pts)
- Ocean Deep (water breathing, fortify speed 5pts, detect animal 30pts)
- Midnight Musk (chameleon 5pts, night eye 10pts, fortify luck 5pts)
- Resolve (fortify endurance 5pts, resist paralysis 10pts, resist magicka 10pts)
NEW: A new alternative plugin, for users of Balmora Expansion.
This is to be used INSTEAD of the original "Stinkers.esp" plugin, and is not compatible with it.
It still requires all of the files from the original package, except for Stinkers.esp.
"StinkersBE.esp" must load BEFORE Balmora Expansion in your load order.
It has been date-adjusted for this purpose.
NEW!: New patches for Ascadian Rose Cottage, and Provincial Bath Shoppe.
Also, a modder's resource plugin.
As always, I hope everyone enjoys my work as much as I enjoyed making it. ^_^