Ok, well I am editing a town in the CS and somehow two cells within the towns world space are now missing. Within the CS everything looks normal, but when I load the plug-in the ground is gone. I do not even know how to delete a world space cell, so I don't know how it got deleted. If I go over to the groundless cell in game, I can look down and at the very bottom is water, this led me to believe the water height may have been altered but I check that and raised it but the ground was still gone. If I fall down the cell I end up in water, but if I swim to the end of the water, I am put back on the normal ground. So, I tried to covered it with fake ground but no objects appear in game. I also tried to go into the details of the plug-in and delete any changes within the cell, but I could find nothing. Well I hope someone can help me because I am dumbfounded.