New Worldspace (pretty big).
New City (Pretty big) with a nice wall all the way around it, but inside the same worldspace (open city)
City surrounded by region so it has a name when exiting buildings
Outside city walls (quite close) another region with trees and rocks etc (Copy data for existing region)
Generate objects for this region
Objects generated, and looking good.
Added some ground texture around the edges to close up the gap to the wall
Copied a few trees and bits to bring close to the wall
Used TES4qLOD to generate LOD objects for testing
Copied files across
From inside the city the trees look okay, peeking above the wall. However, as I approach the wall or the gate, the trees closest to me vanish, revealing those behind them. If I run into the 'forest' the trees will vanish as I run at them until I have gone all the way through that region. This is exactly the opposite behavior that is seen with the ground, which is not visible at distance, but snaps in as I run toward it.
In some cases where there are hill I will see the distant trees as the closest ones vanish, and they will be standing in the air because the land hasn't appeared yet! Then the land snaps in and a short while later the trees vanish to reveal the next lot!
What did I do wrong and how do I fix it!