Locking and unlocking doors

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:27 am

Hi. Id like my NPC's to behave like normal people and lock their doors when they leave the house, however, some funny things seem to happen when I set the lock and unlock boxes in the packages.

If I set to lock at package start and unlock at package end on a sleep package, everything works fine, however, if I then add the same conditions to a travel package, when the NPC goes walking, he doesn't lock the door when he leaves the house, but does lock it when he goes back in, even though the next package in the list (and the one that he actually does) is to sit down and have dinner. He will then go to bed and the door remains locked until he gets up in the morning and goes out again.

So. Question: Is this something that can be made to work, or are there fundamental differences in the way various package types handle the lock and unlock doors stuff.


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