would these 2 scripts work together,

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:54 pm

the assistance is greatly appreciated


scn HaroKArrowForgeQST2Script

float fQuestDelayTime

ref CNTRef

short Alchemy

short Fire
short Frost
short Shock
short FireArea
short FrostArea
short ShockArea
short Light
short DamHeal
short DamMag
short DamFtg
short DamAtt
short DrainMag
short Dispel
short Silence

short TotalFire
short TotalFrost
short TotalShock
short TotalFireArea
short TotalFrostArea
short TotalShockArea
short TotalLight
short TotalDamHeal
short TotalDamMag
short TotalDamFtg
short TotalDamAtt
short TotalDrainMag
short TotalDispel
short TotalSilence

short DoOnce

begin GameMode

set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001

if (DoOnce == 0)
StopQuest HaroKArrowForgeQST2
set DoOnce to 0

;Message "Start Enchanting..."

set CNTRef to HaroKArrowForgeCNT

SetQuestObject HaroKArrowForge 1

set TotalFire to call functionCountFire CNTRef
set TotalFrost to 0
set TotalShock to 0
set TotalFireArea to 0
set TotalFrostArea to 0
set TotalShockArea to 0
set TotalLight to 0
set TotalDamHeal to 0
set TotalDamMag to 0
set TotalDamFtg to 0
set TotalDamAtt to 0
set TotalDrainMag to 0
set TotalDispel to 0
set TotalSilence to 0

StopQuest HaroKArrowForgeQST2


scn functionCountFire

ref CNTRef

short Alchemy

short Fire
short TotalFire

short multi1
short multi2
short multi3
short multi4

begin Function {CNTRef}

Set Alchemy to Player.GetActorValue Alchemy

if (Alchemy < 25)
set multi1 to 15
set multi2 to 0
set multi3 to 0
set multi4 to 0
elseif (Alchemy < 50)
set multi1 to 20
set multi2 to 30
set multi3 to 0
set multi4 to 0
elseif (Alchemy < 75)
set multi1 to 25
set multi2 to 40
set multi3 to 60
set multi4 to 0
elseif (Alchemy < 100)
set multi1 to 30
set multi2 to 50
set multi3 to 70
set multi4 to 90
set multi1 to 45
set multi2 to 75
set multi3 to 105
set multi4 to 135

if (Alchemy >= 1)
set TotalFire to 0

set Fire to Fire + CNTRef.GetItemCount FireSalts
set Fire to Fire + CNTRef.GetItemCount BeholderEye

set TotalFire to TotalFire + Fire * multi1

;--------------------Level 2 Effect--------------------

if (Alchemy >= 25)

set TotalFire to 0

set Fire to Fire + CNTRef.GetItemCount SteelBlueEntolomaCap
set Fire to Fire + CNTRef.GetItemCount cobTiSaltpetre
set Fire to Fire + CNTRef.GetItemCount GolemMagmaHeart

set TotalFire to TotalFire + Fire * multi2


;--------------------Level 3 Effect--------------------

if (Alchemy >= 50)

set TotalFire to 0

set Fire to Fire + CNTRef.GetItemCount SpiddalStick
set Fire to Fire + CNTRef.GetItemCount cobColFishChowder
set Fire to Fire + CNTRef.GetItemCount cobGeoGoldDust
set Fire to Fire + CNTRef.GetItemCount GoldDust
set Fire to Fire + CNTRef.GetItemCount VCVirvatuliGlitter

set TotalFire to TotalFire + Fire * multi3


;--------------------Level 4 Effect--------------------

if (Alchemy >= 75)

set TotalFire to 0

;-----Fire Damage
set Fire to Fire + CNTRef.GetItemCount ImpGall
set Fire to Fire + CNTRef.GetItemCount ImpGallCrazed
set Fire to Fire + CNTRef.GetItemCount ElementalSalts

set TotalFire to TotalFire + Fire * multi4


setfunctionvalue TotalFire


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Karl harris
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:08 am

I think so, but there are a couple of weird things in your scripts.

if (DoOnce == 0)StopQuest HaroKArrowForgeQST2returnendifset DoOnce to 0
seems wrong. What are you trying to achieve?

if (Alchemy >= 1)...endifif (Alchemy >= 25)...endifif (Alchemy >= 50)...endifif (Alchemy >= 75)...endif

means that if alchemy >= 75, all of the checks will be true, and the script will go through all of them, which is probably not what you want. Use the same checks as higher up in your script.
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Ben sutton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:55 am

Is it possible to make the condition like:
if ((Alchemy >=1) && (Alchemy < 25))..........endif

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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:01 am

Is it possible to make the condition like:
if ((Alchemy >=1) && (Alchemy < 25))..........endif

Yes - though personally I would get rid of the superfluous parentheses.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:47 am

I think so, but there are a couple of weird things in your scripts.

if (DoOnce == 0)StopQuest HaroKArrowForgeQST2returnendifset DoOnce to 0
seems wrong. What are you trying to achieve?

if (Alchemy >= 1)...endifif (Alchemy >= 25)...endifif (Alchemy >= 50)...endifif (Alchemy >= 75)...endif

means that if alchemy >= 75, all of the checks will be true, and the script will go through all of them, which is probably not what you want. Use the same checks as higher up in your script.

this is the 3rd part to the overhual of the haroks arrow forge mod. the mod works, and that is the original code, but being separated into functions for size reasons, (original is 55k) and I want it to include cobl ingredients. this is until I can make it scan ingredients instead of being hard coded.

all I did, was take out each damage type separately while maintaining his code, and turning each damage type into a function.

and it will go through each, yes, because the ingredients are hard coded, the effects are broken by tier and must go through each tier to get all ingredients with the specific effect. that is how it was originally. and if the player's alchemy is less than the tier, it will by pass it.

I have a friend who is a Programmer, he will be coming by next week to help me out. now that we have the function to scan the ingredients, we should be able to make a much smoother script able to handle any ingredient from any mod... that is the end goal.

original mod can be found here
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:59 pm

got em working, thanks
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David John Hunter
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