i didnt voter for kicking only because i think that shield bash or push or something is what should be used given that bethesda never draws the bodies in first person view. dark messiah kicking wasnt overpowered IF you played on the hardest difficulty setting because it took alot of stamina away and only moved tougher targets like orcs and vampire knights i little bit. they literally had to be next to the edge or right in front of the spikes to work. i had to run away on many occasions when i just couldnt get that last kick in to get that guy in the fire.
i voted against disarm simply because im a believer in "if i can do it so should my enemy" and having played burers in STALKER i can tell you that getting disarmed really really svcks.

if they made it a skill related directly to telekinisis then i could see it working since it would give something useful to a skill that frankly noone ever uses.
i hope they put locational damage in. if you legs get injured you move slower, if you head gets injured you take a hit to you intelligence and you vision is blurry etc.
yes for thrown weapons but only the ones that make sense.......and i hope they bring back shurikens......i really miss those.
yes to making bombs.........was done by a mod and i actually used alchemy which i pretty much ignored up till then.
no to grabbing unless its ONLY for hand to hand combat
sneak attack with only small weapons, however if someone is sleeping then by all means whip out the warhammer.
dark messiahs magic was so much more fun that oblivions and im assuming thats where you got the ice tripping idea from so that is a definite yes from me.
definitely yes to different armor thresholds. the difference between armor in new vegas with the AR threshold and fallout 3 where you could kill someone in power armor with a 9mm gun is night and day. personally i would love to see the blunt, pierce, slash and elemental resistances put into place. this could give some use for robes since they could make robes more resistant to elemental and other magic attacks.
3 companions so that i can make a DnD party of healer, warrior, thief(that would be my character) and sorceror.