1. How long did it take to make it?
2. Do you play with others nearby?
I never played a D&D game but always interested. My other cousin did tis, I should joined him.
It took me maybe about a month, doing it in my freetime. All the rules come from Warhammer Fantasy, so that was not long to do. I did a bit of tweaking to fit TES, such as with magic resistances which I kept in % like in TES, rolling a D100 dice to determine if you resist or not.
All of the character generation is also copied off Warhammer. You choose your profession (Combat, Educated, Rogues), then randomly throw a dice which determines what is your job which then determines your starting equipment.
Any many other tweaks and things. Especially the cities. I decided to start the campaign in the Imperial City after Oblivion's events so that the players, mostly Oblivion players, were right at home. I needed to re-design the city to its true vastness, since Oblivion's Imperial City is way too small.
(Heh, I even included Thoronir and the Society, who accused the players of theft. This is what started and grouped the players together. Being wrongfully accused by a group of corrupt merchants.)
I played with my friends and brothers in the area. It was an 8 player game, which was way too much for an experienced DM like me. And it is why it failed. I'm tempted to redo it again though, with a smaller group and a better questline. And more preparation!