Demon of the Night

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:27 pm

*Please tell me what you think. This easier then writing a story, though it is a story, poem form. It all rhymes, so go ahead and sing it, or not. But please leave comments

-Demon of the Night-


Kane looked through his scope
Three victims, there was no hope.
The gun made a bang and a clang
The bullet made a roar,
The impact was like a boar

The ground was splattered with red
A young man had lost his head
The others returned fire
The situation was dire
Their bullets rained like hail
But to no avail

Their faces were in a frown
But they made no sound
Kane's bullets rained from above
The others pleaded for love
He listened to their pleads
They had been brought to their knees

He thought about it for awhile
Then raised his gun with a smile
The gunshot could be heard for a mile
The ground turned red, what a sight
All because the Demon of the Night

*Tell me what you think. Theres more to the story.
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:06 am

Very interested and unique, I say continue it. Good work!
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:54 pm

Thank you very much. I'm going to keep it rhyming.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:00 am

-Demon of the Night


Rivet City is where he lived
It only lasted as he was a kid
He grew up and moved out
Ignoring his parents shouts
Traveling the wasteland as a teen
Becoming fit and lean

Passed out from a fight
A doctor saved him in the night
He followed her around like a hawk
Trying to find a topic to talk
Eventually he found some

"Where are you from?"
"Does not matter where I come"
"Can you please tell me?"
"I can not, you see?"

He tried more to no prevail
The conversation slowed like a snail
He at least wanted to know her name
She though the same
Introductions were made
And soon day began to fade

Crystal was her name
Healing was her game
They talked all night
And were surprised to see light

He soon fell in love
Her beauty matched a dove
Her feelings were the same
And soon, so was the name

Nothing lasts forever
Soon it would be untethered
During the night
Slavers won with might

The tore her from he him
Decided her fate on a whim
Tears were brought his eyes
As they tortured their prize

She fought back with bite
They killed her with might
He grabbed a knife in rage
Fought like an animal in a cage

The dagger darted in out
The slaver could only shout
Soon they were brought to his knees
He ignored their cries and pleads

This revenge was not enough
He would fight very rough
His sanity was on a slide
He would return the pain inside

He vowed to kill them all
Short and tall, big and small
The ground had been painted red
Many would lose their heads

He would attack with fury
Moving through the night in a hurry
He would kill into the light
Thus became the Demon of the Night
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:32 am

the rhyming is a good change from things please continue :D
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:01 am

Nice story. Fast and easy to read. More please.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:33 am

*Thank you everyone, this was more of an experiment then anything, and I'll finish it rather people read it or not, but I appreaciate the comments

-Demon of the Night-

Rise to Fame

He was not a fool
He would play it cool
He would attack from inside
He would not hide

Though, he needed fame
Killing would be the game
Demon, the name
Nothing would be the same

Megaton, would be the first
He needed to quench his thirst
Through the window he crept
Killing Lucas's son as he slept

He had stolen his son
Now he stole his gun
The settles were all a fright
Now there was going to be a fight

Stockholm was the first
Some bullets to quench his thirst
Andy took for the gate
It was far too late

Cromwell prayed for his sake
He equally met his fate
He saw Lucy running form afar
She never made it to the bar

Colin came out to say something snide
The only that came out was he insides
Jericho tried shooting at him
He'll never go looting again

Billy never saw the rising sun
He was shot before he could draw his gun
Burke tired to sneak away
In the dirt he lay

Leo and Jenny had their skulls bashed in
Kane was now full of sin
Doc came out to heal
He never ate another meal

Maggie and Nova where on the knees
He smiled at their begs and pleads
Shot them both in the head
Shot them both dead
Nathan tried to stand up and fight
Kane was his last sight
Moira was the last to fall
"Help!" she tried to call

Why should they live happily ever after
When he couldn't even muster laughter
The town came into view at dawns first ray
Everything had been soiled, Kane was astray

He gathered supplies and left
To commit crimes worse than theft
Red letters were revealed in light
It read: Demon of the Night
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