You haven't said if the notes can be found in any order at any time
So I'll make an assumption that they can be found at any time in any order
I had a similar style quest where 3 similar things needed to be done however the player could choose to do them in any order which made me wonder how to update the journal correctly
I ended up looking at how the Vivec informants quests
There is a main quest - A1_V_VivecInformants where you are told to go talk to 3 people
Then there are 3 sub-quests 1 for each person
When you complete each of these you go back to the spymaster who in dialogue is looking for each of these subquests to be achieved before closing the main quest.
You could choose to do something similar with your quest in that no matter how many notes the player finds they will not make sense until you get the complete set
Say you have 4 notes to find - ideally then you can have a main Journal entry eg MY_PaperChase then a separate one for each of the notes eg
For Note 1 you attach a script similar to the one attached to the book Pilgrims Path
Begin MY_Note1if [GetJournalIndex MY_PaperChasenote1 >=1]ReturnEndifIf [Onactivate == 1] Journal MY_PaperChasenote1 1 ActivateEndifEnd
For note 2 it checks to see if note 1 has been found first
Begin MY_Note2if [GetJournalIndex MY_PaperChasenote2 >=1]ReturnEndifIf [Onactivate == 1] if [GetJournalIndex MY_PaperChasenote1 <1] MessageBox "This note makes no sense to me as yet." Else Journal MY_PaperChasenote2 1 Activate endifendifEnd
So what we have done here is not allow your journal to update until Note 1 has been found.
Note 3 and 4 would follow a similar pattern however for Note 4 once it has checked you have all the correct notes it can now update your main quest journal entry with the message you wanted.
At least that's one way of doing it

All the best with the quest