Hi guys! First post! :D Need help in Character Creation!

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:47 am

Hey guys! I just got Oblivion, and I've been playing it for a few hours, but decided to do a new Character as the first one just could not survive anywhere (He was level 5 and died to ANYTHING, difficulty was normal).

So I want to create a new Character who would be kind of a hybrid, using blunt weapons and spells to defeat his foes.

I was thinking:

Race: Imperial
Starsign: The Lady
Class: Dragon Templar (which is:

Heavy Armour

I don't have armourer because it costs so little to repair armour in shops so I find little use for it :) I also like blunt more than blade

Any tips where to get good heavy armour or good maces & axes to use for the first few levels so that I stand a chance for the 2 sisters in the Arena (which I died to like 10 times with my first character... GRR REVANGE!)
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:08 am

Please refer to my guide below in the signature. Ill help you with anything that you need.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:35 pm

Any tips where to get good heavy armour or good maces & axes to use for the first few levels so that I stand a chance for the 2 sisters in the Arena (which I died to like 10 times with my first character... GRR REVANGE!)

If you do the "Unfriendly Competition" quest, there's a very nice enchanted mace (Calliben's Grim Retort) hidden in the mausoleum, in the back of one of the graves. You'll have to do a jump-and-grab to get it.

You have to wear the arena raiment, which limits your other armor choices pretty much to a shield and helmet.
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:05 am

I'd suggest using some Destruction spells as well, since it seems like you might be limiting yourself on offensive weapons.
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Nuno Castro
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:37 pm


I was thinking:

Race: Imperial
Starsign: The Lady
Class: Dragon Templar (which is:

Heavy Armour

I don't have armourer because it costs so little to repair armour in shops so I find little use for it :) I also like blunt more than blade

Any tips where to get good heavy armour or good maces & axes to use for the first few levels so that I stand a chance for the 2 sisters in the Arena (which I died to like 10 times with my first character... GRR REVANGE!)

First welcome to the forums, have a http://images.uesp.net//c/c4/Fishystick.jpg

You build looks good. I would drop Heavy Armor to a minor and Armorer to a major. Because Heavy Armor increases level quickly and it may cause you to increase levels to fast. Also it is pretty expensive to repair enchanted weapons and enchanted armor.

One reason things might have been difficult on the first character is that this game is somewhat odd in that the world increases in power with your character. So if your character gets poor attribute bonuses when leveling up the game can get more difficult as you increase levels.

One more piece of advise, alchemy is extremely powerful. Good luck.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:11 am

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:44 pm

Yes, welcome to the forum!!

The only two birthsigns I would ever consider is Mage and Atronach. The latter is something that is good for an experienced player to use, whereas Mage is great for every player.
Mage gives you a +50 to magicka, and there is not one single class that would not benefit from a boost to magicka.
Attribute bonuses (ie the lady) do not really help you if you level correctly. It tends to be a waste.

I don't have armourer because it costs so little to repair armour in shops so I find little use for it

Armorer is good to take as either a minor or major (depending on the build) BUT it is very important to never neglect the skill. Raise it as often as you can through using repair hammers and training. At 50 it allows you to repair magical items on the fly, and it is the use of the enchant altars and magical items that turns the game in your favor.

Another thing new players do not understand is the value of hotkeys. It is very important to learn the art of switching quickly during combat. I change my spells in the blink of an eye by using it.

Potions are another thing that you can also change quickly to assist you.

As you gain in level, join the university and learn the art of soul trap. It is very important that you understand that process too.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:17 am

Hey guys! I just got Oblivion, and I've been playing it for a few hours, but decided to do a new Character as the first one just could not survive anywhere (He was level 5 and died to ANYTHING, difficulty was normal).

So I want to create a new Character who would be kind of a hybrid, using blunt weapons and spells to defeat his foes.

I was thinking:

Race: Imperial
Starsign: The Lady
Class: Dragon Templar (which is:

Heavy Armour

I don't have armourer because it costs so little to repair armour in shops so I find little use for it :) I also like blunt more than blade

Any tips where to get good heavy armour or good maces & axes to use for the first few levels so that I stand a chance for the 2 sisters in the Arena (which I died to like 10 times with my first character... GRR REVANGE!)

If you keep your difficulty slider in the middle, the whole game can be made EZ-mode by taking advantage of the numerous oversights in the game.

For example, if you can get yourself through the mage guild part up to getting into the arcane university, then you can make spells that cast 1 mana and cast them repeatedly until you get to 100. This assumes you didn't pick atronach as your birth symbol.

Sneak is similar, you just go to any place, hit the sneak button and auto-walk into the wall.

Note, for these, you have to hit the confirmation every 25 points when it tells you what you have gained for becoming an apprentice, journeyman, expert and master. 90% of the skills in the game can be abused similarly. Some of my favorites are alteration, illusion and conjuration, which all improve very quickly if you chose a magic specialization during your character creation process.

Something else to keep in mind is the level system. If you are not experienced with leveling, it will benefit you greatly not to level at all. I have a level 1 character who is the grand champion of the arena and has a bunch of other titles. The less you level, the less the game scales everything up. This makes a 20+ damage spell a one-hit killer on half the monsters/npcs. Make that a 70 damage spell and you are pretty much unstoppable. So, basically, level slowly and carefully or pay the price.

Also, I do not agree with the previous posts about the birth signs. If you are a true power player, you need the extra luck to help you get to 100 in all of your stats later. Otherwise it takes 50 levels. Any birth sign is fine except atronach, unless you are a masochist. You can get similar powers quite easily later in the game, if you really want/need them. In Morrowind, it was a different story, however.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:46 am

Any tips where to get good heavy armour or good maces & axes to use for the first few levels so that I stand a chance for the 2 sisters in the Arena (which I died to like 10 times with my first character... GRR REVANGE!)

Perhaps obvious but... distance yourself so the the one with the claymore is between you and the archer. That way the archer will not fire, if she does, she will hit the sister.
Now you only fight one at the time.

Go kill'em
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