Thanks for all your hard work Quorn! Have you thought of making versions of some these armors compatible with BB? Just a suggestion.
I don't really have any plans to make these Better Bodies-compatible, as I don't use it myself. I kinda like the original meshes, leaves more for the imagination.

Some great resources here (though from my point of view, there are too many outlander ones, and not enough Telvanni-orientated
Are there any other releases planned apart from the barkwoven armor?
Oh, and the argonian silver was mentioned in a riddle in Arena

Are there any other releases planned apart from the barkwoven armor?
Oh, and the argonian silver was mentioned in a riddle in Arena

ah ha! i knew it was from somewhere. however from just being in a riddle, i doubt it's anything canon.
I have a number of projects awaiting release, it's generally a matter of cleaning them up for distribution. Most tend to stay in the beta stage or proof-of-concept stage as I find the clean-up and foolproofing for an official release tiresome at times. The barkwoven armor will be the last update to the Argonian Armor Set, and I'm touching up the eariler armor resources to take advantage of texture replacers. There's a couple other projects that'll come to light in a month or so. ^_^
Not sure if I'll do anything with the Argonian Silver weapons, as I'm not won over with the old textures.