I'm new to morrowind and wanted to ask, if someone could give me a list of 'Must Have' mods?
Thank you
There are many lists out there, tho I doubt there are MUST HAVE mods, some mod will be a must have for me, and utter bull faeces for you.
However, there are mods people most commonly have, so I'll consider them must have mods ^_^
From a tpic above yours is a link for Connary's textures http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2JRYL4BT which is considered a must have retexture compilation so far, so check it out.
http://www.psychodogstudios.net/ and you'll want better bodies and better cloths for your Morrowind, this is a must have in full meaning, everyone use it.
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=User.EntriesListing&id=63014 who made some tree replacers as well as ice cave replacer and more, many people use that.
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=User.EntriesListing&id=7231 which you'll check out if you want some high end looking weapons.
You can also search the same page, PES (Planet Elder Scrolls) for some nifty replacers, names you'll want to search are such as Vurt, StarWarsGuy, Illuminiel etc, check around these forums, I found the best mods lurking here.
Enjoy, and I hope I was useful

EDIT: also forgot to mention, if you have PC strong enough there is topic around here about Morrowind Graphic Enchancer which will make your game very very beautiful and give you the option to use shaders and stuff, however, if you're new to Morrowind don't cobble with that just yet. It's not so user friendly, but not that hard to configure either. If you have some computer literacy it shouldn't be much of a problem.