recently i've been thinking about replacing cyrodiil nightsky... what is your opinion about the cyrodiil vanilla nightsky? do you use any night sky replacer for cyrodiil? there is some and i don't know what to choose

recently i've been thinking about replacing cyrodiil nightsky... what is your opinion about the cyrodiil vanilla nightsky? do you use any night sky replacer for cyrodiil? there is some and i don't know what to choose

Well the Cyrodil night sky is actually an almost exact copy of Earth's night sky. Of course we never can see it in all of its majesty because of light pollution.... I've looked at the sky replacers... they are all beautiful! Not realistic but very beautiful. I've always had trouble installing them though so I stick to vanilla night skies, which is fine by me.
This one is the most realistic but its slightly bland :
This one is my favorite personally : (Its decently realistic)
This one is pretty but I just can't wouldn't want it on my game :
Sorry if I ranted a bit, I usually do that when asked about this stuff