[WIPZ] Leaves of Y'ffre

Post » Mon May 21, 2012 11:08 pm

I was playing around in my image editor and thought - I fell like making a small range of clothes - something a bit more unusual than the norm

So here's some shots of what I am working on

Firstly here is http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/3205/tarbelle.jpg the clothier - lore fans can look up the meaning of the names - Bella can have a double meaning as it could be a corruption of Bala or Belle - Tar means what it means

Tar Bella is a recent arrival to Vvardenfell and has come seeking wisdom from Mistress Dratha - which fits nicely into the fact her clothes are for females only

She doesn't use traditional cloth for her clothing, preferring to use living vines woven gently together with to give covering. Here'shttp://img836.imageshack.us/img836/8692/detailt.jpg

Each item will have it's own script that activates when worn rather than be enchantable.

So far I have done 7 dresses and one pant's/top combo.

Here's the http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/6669/autumnzh.jpg one.

Am just testing at the moment with various BB replacers to see... um... well... how much pokes through the leaves. I've aimed to put leaves in appropriate spots without them looking clustered but clearly Tar Bella was feeling a bit cold when I was testing her and needs to rearrange her vines a little.

She will have some dialogue and likely a quest because I just can't help myself and as with all my recent mods will tie back into the Veloth's Child storyline.

Locals in Tel Mora will have something to say about her as well

It's a bit of fluff as far as mods go - but cute to do something different for a change - and she does have the best Bosmer face I've ever done :smile:
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Tue May 22, 2012 4:00 am

My reply is simple: :bunny: :biggrin:
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