1. What stats should i use for the class, or should i use the pre-made spell sword class.
I would go for Breton or Dark Elf. The Dark elf gets +10 to blade and destruction, so it fits the build.
A +5 charcter is the way to go.
Heavy Armor
Blade is the only major skill that I would use with this build, so your levelling is kept at a slow speed.
Focus on lifting your Blade, Alchemy Conjuration, Armorer and Block by (a combined) 10 raises at each level so you get +5 to Strength, Intelligence and Endurance.
Spend time lifting all your other minor skills ie illusion, sneak, restoration, destruction, light armor etc. as much as you want.
Take Apprentice or Atronach birthsign to support the high magicka spells at the end of the game.
2. What Race/Gender will be the best for a meele/magic user, dont mind what it is
3. How the hell do i play as one? Only use touch spells or ranged then touch or what...
Use Detect life or nighteye ring to spot the enemy. Use range destruction or frenzy to hit them. Dark elf can also add bow to the first hit if needed.
Blade and touch destruction up close. Make sure you wield a good shock enchanted blade with soul trap.
Use Azura's Star to recharge the weapon.
Have invisibilty as your panic spell to cast if things go bad.
Conjuration is handy to sidetrack your enemy. Dremora Lord is your best bet at master level.