My PC (DELL GX280) specs are:
Pentium4 3,06 GHZ
Zotac GeForce GT 430 with 1GB RAM DDR3 - Latest Nvidia Drivers for it (260.99)
160GB HDD 7200RPM
Windows XP Home SP3 (no windows update patches)
Windows is a completely clean install - no programs, data, running services etc. - just only clean windows - purposely for the best oblivion performance.
So i have installed the GOTY UK version of the game, plus 3 unofficial oblivion patches (oblivion , shivering and for the knigts)
I dont use any mods except of 3 unoff patches.
I have make defragmentation of course and shut down unnecessary windows services using a GameBooster program.
Oblivion is set on 1280x768 resolution and 4x AA + Bloom Light and V-Sync. The rest of graphic options are set to max.
OK when i play the game i notice FPS drop (quite drastic about 10-15FPS) when i'm in cities or some shops/gildhouses etc.
The strange thing is that FPS drop occur when i look straight. When i look down on the ground/floor or up on the celling/sky - the performance is Flawless (minimum 60FPS)
On the exteriors performance is Flawless/good or sometimes FPS drop a bit but nothing serious.
And another strange thing is that when i'm in interior area, where drastic FPS drop occur - when i look at the walls, the FPS is good - but when i see some people around then FPS drops dramatically.
So i've come to conclusion that drastic FPS drop occur, when i have more that 1-2 persons on the view.
Is that even possible on my extremely powerfull graphic card?? (powerfull for oblivion ofcourse)
I believe this is not a graphic card have too little power because my PC can and must run oblivion on FULL details + 4xAA , V-Sync and Bloom Light without any problem.
What do You think about that?? Is there some problem with the game itself?? Maybe there is a patch or something to fix that??
Sorry for my Simple English and Thanks for the future.
PS: I almost forgot - the problem with low FPS near NPCs happen regardless if i lower the AA settings or even lower the graphic settings.