Do I Have To Use XP For he Best Performance ?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:23 pm

Hi All

I have recently installed Oblivion again, 2 years after my first playing. My problem is,,,, I am having random crashes while playing in different places of the game after playing for some time. I use SI, unofficial patch 3.2.0, OOO and lots mods. In order to improve the perforance I use latest OBSE, BOSS, Fast Exit and Streamline. Streamline reduced the crashes but didn't completly solved the problem. I am using a laptop which has I3 330M @2.13 Ghz + Ati 5650 and my OS is Win7 64 bit. It can score 13600 points at 3DMark05 at 1024x768 resolution.

I guess the reason for random crashes is insufficent memory. As you know this game can only address 2 GB and Win7 normally uses around 900 MB which leaves only 1.1 GB ram to the game . My laptop has 3 GB ram and in order to use all of these rams i tried 3GB Enabler program. However, after modifying the Oblivion.exe file of the game, it crashes if i want to reload a previous save when i die. When i played this game for the first time with XP, i never had crash problems with a PC which can only score 5000 points at 3DMark05 test and have 2 GB ram

My question is,,,, is there way to enable the game address more than 2 GB without having reload problem during game when my char die or when i need to load a previous save. I hope using XP is not the best solution...

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:24 am

Did you install the game to the default directory? If you did, might want to reinstall it someplace else. C:\Games\Oblivion works good....
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:46 am

Did you install the game to the default directory? If you did, might want to reinstall it someplace else. C:\Games\Oblivion works good....

No i didn't... why is it important ???
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David John Hunter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:12 pm

With Win7, UAC can't really be turned off, so, it gets annoyed when something tries to do anything in the Program Files directory. Installing the game OUTSIDE of that directory works around the issue.

Posting your load order may not be a bad idea as well. :D
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