- First Trial: On a certain day, to uncertain parents, incarnate moon and star reborn.
- Second Trial: Neither blight nor age can harm him. The Curse-of-Flesh before him flies.
- Third Trial: In caverns dark Azura's eye sees, and makes to shine the moon and star.
- Fourth Trial: A stranger's voice unites the Houses. Three Halls call him Hortator.
- Fifth Trial: A stranger's hand unites the Velothi. Four Tribes call him Nerevarine.
- Sixth Trial: He honors blood of the tribe unmourned. He eats their sin, and is reborn.
- Seventh Trial: His mercy frees the cursed false gods, binds the broken, redeems the mad.
Edit: In fact, the wording seems to imply such an occurance is possible.
A "Stranger's" voice unites the houses. A "Stranger's" voice hand unites the Velothi. It seems to imply that these two strangers may not be the same people.
On top of this, the 3rd trial doesn't even mention the Nerevarine, only the ring.
I'm not really asking if this happened, but if two heroes who each fulfill parts of the prophecy could potentially fulfill all of it.