I have a problem that confuses me a bit. I started to edit my old sadrith mora mod, and decided to remove some stuff like houses that I didn't like. I loaded the mod as a plug-in file and made the changes and saved it as a new file. I thought that the things that I didnt remove would still be left in the mod, but apparently I was wrong. (Luckily I had backup files)
I then noticed in-game that nothing from my old sadrith mora moddings showed up, except for the things I had changed. I have tried to combine the plug-ins but I think I'm doing something wrong.
Is it possible to combine these files somehow so that only the deleted files from the old mod would be gone, but everything else would be as it was.
Am I making any sense? In short: My new mod file only shows the changes I made to the old one and nothing else.
I hope you understand what I mean
