ooc: Vulcan said that comment to himself. HK-47 wouldn't' be aware of his feelings on the matter.
Ambassador Vulcan- Neo Legion
"Very well Ashur." was all that Vulcan had to say. In truth the Legion and the Pitt never did have much in common, nor did the Pitt send many troops West to help in the West-East war. In the end Vulcan continued to wonder why the Pitt was ever allied with the Legion or MWBoS to begin with.
I was thinking, all of us are going through some economic turmoil right now.
Perhaps all of us could begin taking over more land towards the south, avoiding the Tzardom of Mutants ofcourse.
And although we couldn't be of much help during the War of Ideas due to the distance and our situation we can have soldiers be much closer if we all begin colonizing the south east.
Since the war has ended the Central Alliance has been fragmented, would you like to rejoin the alliance?
Tzar Fawkes of the Tzardom of the Mutants
The ground shook as a behemoth walked towards the convention area. On its back sat a Fawkes on a throne made of Legion & MWBoS armor. He looked tired from the long trip, but was eager to bring to an end the hostilities. He had seen much throughout the war and he was definitely a different person since the last time they had all met. Walking besides and around the behemoth, both super mutants and human soldiers members of his personal guard walked by. The guards were members of the Blood guard, his most veteran and battle harden soldiers. The humans were wearing green colored combat Mk2 advanced armor, and the Mutants were were their typical eastern armor of made metal and tires. The weapons they carried were those found at Ft. McPherson in Atlanta, before it was lost to the central allies, luckily they were able to carry away a majority of weapons especially the Gauss and Laser rifles they carried.
They arrived outside the Convention Hall, and Fawkes disembarked. He addresses his guards "Everyone remain here except for Trotsky and Anderson" Trotsky wearing a combat helmet fashioned out of an old centurion helmet, he was the leader of the guard and Anderson was his number two. Although human, Fawkes could trust them with his life. The three headed inside where the delegates were conversing already. Seeing the Legion delegate, Fawkes nearly grabbed the plasma defender he had with him on impulse but Trotsky put his hand on his right arm before he did so. "Remember we are here to end this, my liege" Trotsky whispered to him ensuring no one could hear or see what happened. Fawkes rage subdued and he grabbed a seat next to Dr. Swift. Staying quiet not addressing anyone yet.
Hello... Fawkes.
You are very different since we last met.