noob qn about unofficial patches /mods

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:02 am

HI, id like to install some mods and unofficial patches to my Steam version Oblivion goty, but dont know where to start.

Found a great thread here but allready stuck at the stage of installing the Unofficlal Oblivion Patch Supplimentals; the readme just says

"Manual installation: Unpack the files you need from whichever folders you need them from. Ie: If you want the UOP files, copy everything from the "00 Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplemental" folder to your Data folder. Do the same for any of the UOMP files you need to update. DO NOT simply unpack the archive blindly into the Data folder or it will not work. - Overwrite any files you are prompted to overwrite."

so starting with the 00 example, has three folders for meshes sounds and textures, (and an "Unnoficial Oblivion Patch.esp dated 2001??)

and I just need to know what it means to unpack these updates to the Data folder. I noticed the files are slightly different sizes to their counter parts in the Data folder but the idea of swapping them individually looks unintuitive, So are you just meant to move each of the three folders meshes/sounds/textures from the 00 supplimentals folder to the Data folder equivalents. Atm ive got the UOPS just sitting in the steamapps>common>oblivion folder aswell as in steamapps>common>oblivion>obmm>mods folder (unziped it there to see if that'd load it into the OBMM, but nada) even tho further on in the readme says

"OBMM: You should be able to simply put this into your OBMM installation folder and install as usual."

So what'd be the way to do it, any elementry tutorials I should have alook at? Thanks

btw - im using W7 and the vanilla installation of Oblivion with standarard DLC is buggy to start with, crashes alot when Im simply exiting the game without a clue theres a problem till then
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:58 am

The documentation assumes you already know some basic modding skills.

Manual Install: Open the 00 folder, and copy-paste the files into the Oblivion\Data directory, overwriting when prompted. If you have any of the official DLC, do the same for their respective XX folders.

OBMM Install: Create an OMOD. Drop the package into the oblivion\obmm\mods directory, use the create button in OBMM, select add archive, select the UOPS package, and press Create OMOD. Afterwards, just activate it and let the script do the rest.
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:26 am

edit; ok thanks for that Thomas, I dont know how to make the OMOD's of them yet but copying to the Data directory (lol) worked just selecting the main meshes/sounds/texture folders, and selecting copy to folder and selecting Data from the list. Prompted to choose which version of alotof folders and files to keep/replace, which was easy as its allways the 1st option and all the old ones had this mornings date stamp.

I couldnt get what you suggeted to create OMOD's of them cause when looking for the files (packages) in OBMM - create - add archive, it kept wanting to open the next folder along till nomore left saying nothings there
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:55 am

rofl, just googled modding oblivion beginners and found
everything I wanto knows there, cheers
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Jessie Butterfield
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