When I made his new weapon, which is now a Nordic Silver War-Axe, one-handed, with uber damage capability, I selected the "jinkblade of the aegis" effect in the "Enchanting" box, as I know the Jinkblade of the Aegis in the game paralyzes it's target. Apparently that was the wrong thing to do, as it has no effect on my character when he gets hit with it. What can I do about this?
I don't know if this is much of an issue, but he doesn't have much in the way of an aggressive attack rate. There's several times where he'll just stand there for about three seconds before taking a swing, although after awhile, his strike frequency climbs quite a bit as my character's health dwindles down to nothing. Which only takes awhile if I set that character's health to 5000 or so with a console command. Otherwise, my character gets a chance to whack my new NPC once or twice, accomplishing absolutely nothing just before being felled with a single blow.
Basically, I want my new NPC to be extremely difficult kill, and so I'm trying to give him everything I can think of to accomplish that task.
As always, thanks in advance.