So, now unto the problem. I just played fallout 3 today, the messages came up for my new missions. Being already close to the Anchorage mission start point I made my way there. Along the way I V.A.T.S'd a feral ghoul roamer and backed out of it, then I got the all to familiar "triangles," didn't really bother me though I just looked away and continued on ... well at least tried to. As soon as I looked away the game froze. The only thing I could do was reset the Xbox.
So I loaded my save point and tried again, this time I got quite far. I got to the part where you have to choose which place you have to attack. I took the tank depot first. Upon reaching the part in the Ice outpost with the tree tent all enemies became partially transparent. This is a bug I have never seen. I can V.A.T.S them and most parts yield "0%" chance to hit while the head has about a "14%" chance to hit even when up close. The enemies are NOT using active cammo, they are regular Chinese troops. The bug makes their bodies completely see through and they have collar like devices where joints would be like around the neck and shoulders. Then after killing those few enemies I moved onward only to get another bug, this one would be with the sound ... all sounds lightly echoed and had a scratchy sound to them. Eventually when I saw my first tank the game again crashed.
So now for my questions...
I know this has nothing to do with my Xbox or the game disk(both are in great shape with the game disk being brand new) but could some of this be with a botched overwrite with the broken steel addon? If I delete all addons and then reinstall them from the disk would I be able to pick up from my Outcast base save?
Is there a fix for this other then saving frequently?
Fallout New Vegas is soon coming out and I was planning on buying it as soon as it did ... but now this has kind of put me off of it. I mean all it looks like is a very large addon ... new missions and a few weapons and one or two features. Does anyone think that they put effort into fixing some of the bugs or do you guys think they are just using the same broken engine?