» Sat May 28, 2011 4:22 am
You are certainly correct to say that at this time, the game is too far along to implement most things that fans have suggested, but even had Bethesda not started working on the game yet, just because some fans suggest something does not mean Bethesda will do it, because Bethesda can't possibly try to do everything everyone wants, if they did that, the game might never see release, and if it did, it would be a horrible, inconsistent mess that no one wants to play. It is perfectly understandable for developers to want to please as many players as possible, but there must ultimately be a limit, because trying to please EVERYONE is a good way to please no one. So in the end, suggestion threads are just that, suggestions. They are a place where fans can say what they want in the game, and other fans can discuss it. But even if nothing will come of these suggestion threads, I would say that if people did not post them, there would really not be much to discuss in this forum at this time. Until we have some real information on the game, all we can really do is suggest, and speculate. Once we get some actual information, THEN we can get to praising and criticizing and picking apart every little detail and thoroughly anolyzing its possible implications, and I'm sure we'll see a lot of this once the first actual information about the game gets out.
And as has been said, just because it's too late to implement anything suggested into Skyrim doesn't mean it can't be done in whatever comes next, although when ideas are posted in the Skyrim forums, it might seem to imply that players hope to see them in Skyrim.