The corresponding .dds is well shown ingame, but the seems to be coming always from .bsa.
It's especially a problem with the because gamesass original is very small and looks bad ingame.
I did the following without any success:
- activating BSA REDIRECTION in INSTALLERS tab and making a FULL REFRESH
- installing latest Wrye Bash version 2.77
- reinstalling ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa (installer version) from TESnexus
- replacing the whole Oblivion folder by a clear one (patched to 1.2) and anneling/ reinstalling all Bash Installers (including the body texture replacer)
- copying the replacers project (= folder) into Oblivion\Data and activating it in BASH REPLACERS tab
I have no idea what happens because all other textures and their corresponding are shown correctly.
If I create an ArchiveInvalidation.txt with the path it works, but all ears of all PC and NPC discolor to black after a few seconds.
It really seems Wrye Bash has a problem with body texture normalmaps. With OBMM I didn't have such problems (but others, like overwriting identical named files etc.).