TES Fan Fiction goes through periods of up and down. We'll pick up again, don't worry. I'm thinking you'd get better results for RP forums if this was in TES Fan Fiction, but then again you might get some good results here.
So i have no idea if this should be moved or not.
I know of a few RP sites for TES Rps, but not many for other types of Rps.
Any links to these? I can always google if not, just wanted to know if you knew any real good ones.
Naturally, forum life will swing with game development. I say wait for Tes V, which will herald a new age of RPers destined to overthrow the current system and establish a new RPing pecking order! Of course, it is probably more likely that they will just join us that are already doing so. In which case I intend to have a star or two more before then ^^ RPing is not dead...just...um. Slower? Maybe if you join we can have enough to pick it back up again
I doubt you'll find any TES RP sites that are always active. This one is pretty good considering all the time it's been since Oblivion. And the excellent moderation, which I hear is better than most other sites.