I put every single follower in Tenpenny tower armed to the teeth with flamers, miniguns and super sledges.
Then let the ghouls in only to see the most crazy fight ever...
When I was done the only people left where Star Paladin cross, Flawkes, the robot follower and two tenpenny residents.
Then let the ghouls in only to see the most crazy fight ever...
When I was done the only people left where Star Paladin cross, Flawkes, the robot follower and two tenpenny residents.
lol gotta do this

I remember that in my first play through, right after helping that "resistance group" against slavery (whatever the name was), after Lincoln Memorial was secured,
I waited for an opportunity to be alone with their leader, used the Mesmetron on him, made him put on that slave collar and told him to send my regards to Paradise Falls (thanks to "Mesmetron works on everyone" mod).
I waited for an opportunity to be alone with their leader, used the Mesmetron on him, made him put on that slave collar and told him to send my regards to Paradise Falls (thanks to "Mesmetron works on everyone" mod).

I just love Irony and love that last bit

Well, Where to start...
On my Current Character, (Started with the Intention of being the most Evil thing in the waist Lands) -
0) Got to level 30 & Finished BS, I had left most of the Side Quests Alone, (Just so you know where I am!).
** Completed all Major & Side Quests,
1) Then went to and Killed every one at,
(Except Kids, I have kids, So maybe this is the reason why I dont like the idea of harming them, (feels wrong to me!),
Regardless of how bratish they are, else I would use the MOD that allows for [Banned Topic] C*** K******) -
a] Republic of Dave,
b] Underworld,
c] Riley's Rangers,
d] BoS Citadel,
e] Outcast Base,
f] Megaton, (expect Moira),
g) TenPenny Tower, (Killed every one except Tenpenny & Dashwood.
i) FEV Virus into the water purifier then give the water to the water beggers, (still have 2 left).
j) Shoot the Giant SM Cage Generator in Evergreen Mills so it kills every on because its just fun to watch

**k) There is just Soooo Much Evil that has happened and is waiting to happen, I cant possible add every thing I have done
As the whole reason of this play through has been to be as evil as possible, after the main quest is done
(With Out screwing up the game!).
and then Later -
2) Nuked Megaton and then let the Ghouls In!
3) Enslaved all the kids I could, (Brian in GrayDitch, Bumble in LampLight, tried to enslave the one that is leaving Little Lamplight
but his head Popped), almost as good.

4) The Citadel, (except Elder Lyons & Sarah Lyons),
5) Wasteland Captives, I got a MOD to help me with this, that allows me to um...interfere with them while they are still tied-up
(and have them tell me I am perverted)

Then I release them then shoot them in the back, but I think I may change the end part to do as Lord Kaelin does above,
crippling and then count to 20 - let the hunt begin!, that sounds fun and evil!

On a more detailed level, I then went to & did this -
Paradise Falls and Tell the the advlt Slaves they can go so that they run into the Minigun.
Leave the kids & the guy, (some times shoot this guy my self), in the Fallout Shelter/Tube thing, to starve to death.
Republic of Dave, I killed most of the advlts, Starting with Dave then tried to enslave the rest but did not work so ended up killing them the rest.
Then when doing the BS DLC, Sent the Missile Strike to the Citadel.
but, My Most Intentional Evil Act, (Intentional as in, Thought out before I had got there!, and is a W.I.P], will be this, , *Role Playing!*
Started night before last,
Oasis, Completed the Quest and strengthened his hart, then collected my rewards, (Poplars Hood, Had to have, As was playing a Stealth Character).
Then, Killed all residents and then went and talked to Harold to see his pain, suffering and agony of losing his followers,
I then let him live longer because I want to let him suffer for a while. Then later tonight I will burn him with the
BurnMaster (if thats the right name?). Just to make him suffer more (physically!). and then,
Leaving only the kid alive to suffer in Isolation and probably go mad from the isolation.
Then next I will arrange the body's around the Ceremonial gathering area for the kid see every day as they decompose.
This may not be the most Evil thing I do, as I always look to out do my self, As the Intention I had before this thread
was to be to either Enslave or Kill the rest of the Capitol Wasteland before I retire this character for good,
I want to be only person left in the CW when I retire because shes that paranoid of reprisals for the things she has done.
So, Look out Waste Landers - Im coming for YOU! Mwaaahahahahahahaha!!! :chaos:

With all I have said, I really wish I had thought of this -
I remember that in my first playthrough, right after helping that "resistance group" against slavery (whatever the name was), after Lincoln Memorial was secured, I waited for an opportunity to be alone with their leader, used the Mesmetron on him, made him put on that slave collar and told him to send my regards to Paradise Falls (thanks to "Mesmetron works on everyone" mod). 799.gif
I remember that in my first playthrough, right after helping that "resistance group" against slavery (whatever the name was), after Lincoln Memorial was secured, I waited for an opportunity to be alone with their leader, used the Mesmetron on him, made him put on that slave collar and told him to send my regards to Paradise Falls (thanks to "Mesmetron works on everyone" mod). 799.gif
I may have to get that MOD.