oh man!
Where where you 2 days ago? <_<
But actually I did try using a "clear" alpha property from textures that had "holes in them"
and also deleting the texturing property branch but neither did the trick.
I only ended up with a "gray" object in the game.
What I discovered did work was to switch the "has base image" from yes to no.
NOW with this new trick in my bag I can do several ideas I have been wanting to do for years but needed invisible activator objects!
Wooo hooowww!!! :twirl:
But as long as I have your attention, do you have any idea how to make a target spell know it hit a tree?
I am attempting tricks with the sound detection, but I am not sure it is going to work in th end because the spell may not make "materials" collision sounds when hitting such things.
But maybe there is a way to get the model path using cell walking?
You could just remove the texturing property branch (so it has no texture), add an alpha property (if not already there) and set the alpha value in the material property to 0. You could do the same with the texture in place, but there is really no point in doing that.