I will get into the co-op in a bit but to be honest after playing oblivion and morrowind extensively. I have come to the conclusion that we need a companion of sorts to help on your journeys. Fallout 3 incorporated the dog companion mechanic. But I was thinking of it being a lot more deeply, and for example if your a mage you can recruit someone to join you and you teach them your spells that only you've got, and you can share equipment etc and allowing you to actually have a companion to help you in like a tight situation. BUT
This could be expanded further with the idea of co-op this should only be online, as a local splitscreen would ruin the game but for players to go online only 2 in one world. It is similar to the concept of Fable 3's co-op which to me worked. You can only have one player enter another players world. I think TES series could even consider a more MMO approach to certain areas but still keep it grounded to it's RPG root.
I wonder what you all here think?
much appreciated