He wakes up looking at a strange man. The mans name was Lucien Lachance. He didnt know him, but he seemed,.. peacefull. He looks down at where his ankle once bled, it was cured! No sign of the wound! Not even a scratch! Lucien says to him. "You have prayed to the night mother. Now you must join the Dark Brotherhood." "What should i do sir'? I am only of 3." The young wood elf replies. "With time youngling, with time. I will Train you in the ways of killing. Now get some sleep. You have a long day ahead of you." Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, months into years. The wood elf grows into a developed 16 year old boy when He travels to Lucien's house to begin his training. But, the day felt different. The cold chill that he usually feels in his bones was, colder, his bones felt frozen.
As the young wood elf enters Lucien's house he says to Lucien, " Master, I am ready to begin my--" The wood elf looks at the normal lounge chair that Lucien uslually sits in, Lucien has a giant grin on his face. "Its time, You are ready to shed blood for the Dark Brotherhood." "Whos Life must i end?!" The wood elf asks with no regret on his tounge. "There is a man by the name of Rufio, He is young, Fast , and agile. He has slain a sibling of the night mother and therefore deserves to die by the black hand!"
As the wood elf walks up to the Inn of Ill Omen, He walks to Rufios Room, draws his arrow, and kicks the door in. THWANGGGG! He fires is first arrow. it misses by inches. By the time he is able to pull another arrow from his quiver, Rufio is in his face, Silver Mace in hand and is in mid-swing. Time freezes. He looks at Rufio in the eyes and sees a man who is aging, fast, with lots of pain in sufering in his life. As time unfreezes he sees the mace come down, striking him on the fore-head, and all of a sudden, Darkness.
The wood elf wakes up in a prison. Very scared and confused, a feeling he hasnt felt since, the bandit. He looks up and in the cell across from him is a dark elf, the bandit. He looked quite older, and in-experienced. The wood elf falls back asleep. hours turn to days, days to months, months to years. 4 years pass and the wood elf walks up to his bar door now at the age of 20, and in 4 years the bandit hasnt said anyhting to him. Then out of the darkness the bandits cell, the wood elf hears, "You're Going to die in here!"