Firstly, I was planning on using just a plain empty interior cell aptly named farmhouseinterior 3, along side i was to use the shell of the farmhouse, farmhouseexterior 3. But when i go to find the interior in the list of cells i cant find that cell. Question here is do i have to make the cell in an empty worldspace then link it to the door?
Secondly, after moving on, I wondered if i could use an exsisting cell. So i looked around and found a matching cell used in the world. My big issue here is that no matter what cell i select Im always linked to an alyid ruine. I tryed a few different cells that resembled or matched but always got linked to that ruin.
So no im at a total lose as to how im going to live in an aylid ruin hehe. can someone point me in the right direction? I would say that iv read thro the forums but as its 6am im likely not gonna do that step today. but still I have to ask.
thank you for your time .... moonravin. (actual gamertag not nick name XP)