Let me clarify the complexity in constructing distructable environments with a project I'm working on.
Destructable rubblepiles that obstruct the sidestreets of the DC ruins
=> these then open up into shortcuts through the ruins
Every rubblepile requires a number of different models that emulate the current state of a rubblepile during the different stages of clearing via demolition;
there is the pile of rubble untouched (100% intact)
same pile, slightly cleared by demolition (80% intact)
same pile, almost half cleared (60% intact)
same pile, more than half cleared (40% intact)
same pile, almost completely cleared (20% intact)
same pile, cleared except for some debris (0% intact)
Aside from the first pile that is already a given, there are five completely different piles of rubble I have to model, that are as complicated as the first one was to make, no doubt.
Multiply that by the number of different sidestreets and you see the amount of work I have :unsure:
Same for buildings, every building would require a minimum of three partical/destruction models (slightly damaged, moderately damaged and flattened) to make it look semi decent, and more to make it look good.
Advanced graphics just make all that that much more time consuming to produce. It's not really hard anymore to do, just tedious, like long divisions. And that translated into production cost overruns and deadline postponements, especially if it isn't properly implemented during initial design stage.
Acolyte: 2cts to spare, no change needed he likes himself just fine thank you :wacko:
edit: Acolyte is beaten to the punchline :facepalm: