Races & Birthsigns DX is a complete rebalance of races and birthsigns, with scripted effect toggles.
Frustrated with other mods that either offer too little in the way of improvement,
or offer overpowered uber buffs, or are horribly lore-unfriendly, I thought I would try making my own.
I have included toggled water breathing for Argonians, toggled night-eye for Khajiit, and toggled
spell absorption for those with the "The Atronach" birthsign.
As an example of my changes, take High Elves.
A long while back, I had wanted to play as a High Elf.
After starting the game, and setting up my character, I went to Addamasartus to raid the place.
After defeating the first smuggler, I fought the mage. (Whose stats were terrible compared to mine.)
He utterly destroyed me. I reloaded and tried again. Same weak fire spell, same result.
I started a new game, chose Breton, and never looked back.
High Elves now have these abilities:
"Weakness to Magicka 30", "Weakness to Fire, Frost, and Shock 15" each,
and for the sake of balance, "Fortify Max Magicka 1.0 x int".
Their weaknesses are all still present, but reduced, and I have cut the Magicka multiplier by 0.5 to compensate.
I have not changed or lessened their resistance to common diseases, however. (it's still 75)
All changes made are lore friendly, and well thought out.
Some changes are inspired by "Wakim's Game Improvements", though that mod's features are not included.
For example, Dark Elves now get a 0.5 x int magicka bonus, making them more effective mages.
However, some changes are original.
For example, Argonians are cold blooded, and the females are good at magic.
So I also gave them a 0.5 x int magicka bonus, and balanced it with "Weakness to Frost 15".
As an example of my birthsign changes:
"The Apprentice" has been changed to "Weakness to Magicka 30", and "Fortify Max Magicka 1.0 x int",
so that it continues to match the High Elves's racial abilities.
"The Mage" has been given the unused "Wizard's Brand" power, like in "Wakim's Game Improvements".
"The Lady" has had it's massive 25 each Fortify Endurance/Personality effects reduced to 15 each.
I will be making various balance tweaks to racial skills and attributes, but they will not defy the 310/45 rule.
I will also provide addons for custom races.
I will include a rebalancing patch for "The Mog Mod" to make it even with this mod,
so that moogles will be balanced for gameplay with it.
(I figured it would be a good place to start with custom races, I may add more given popular demand.)
I would also like to add a short selection of custom classes, all lore friendly and balanced.
I also want to give the custom classes proper descriptions, on par with those of the originals.
For example, a balanced, playable Necromancer class.
However, I am not exactly the world's best creative writer, so to speak,
so I would like to ask if anyone could write a short, but good description for this,
or any custom class.
If I like them, I'll use them in the mod, with credit for the writer in the mod's readme.
I want these classes to make up for ones that should have been in the game to begin with.
Another class I would like to include is a "Merchant" class, and perhaps "Alchemist".
I am willing to accept suggestions for more classes, as well.
I will post more information here as it is ready.
If anyone has any questions, you know where to post!