» Sat May 28, 2011 8:45 am
It always amuses me, slightly, to hear how many Canadians will react to the information of Canada being annexed and totally screwed over by the U.S.(who in Fallout turns out right before the bombs to be a rather [censored] country, or at least a country with a very [censored] government) But yeah, that was screwed up-in the beginning of Fallout, in the trailer, a television even shows a Canadian victim get shot in the head by the U.S. military. Note said victim was tied up, and that the soldier that shot said victim proceeded to shoot him after he fell to the ground-while he and his buddy at least appeared to be laughing. Or, if not, being rather casual about killing someone.
I don't know anything other than that bit, though-I'll have to read the wiki's article. ;]
If I'm not mistaken, didn't Canada try to fight back from the beginning though? Or is that just poor memory on my part messing up the facts?
Though, on that note, obviously the U.S. wouldn't be in control anymore-maybe some groups from the military or whatever, but the U.S. was obviously dissolved in political unity after the Great War. As was everything else, as far as I (and I believe we) know. Though some sort of rebellion in that would be cool-I don't expect it, since Fallout seems to require being located in the United States, but it would be really interesting if there was a game 'bout it.
Edit: But, I believe the whole revolution bit is already being discussed on a separate thread on this board?